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30 April 2013

سوف تغلق السفارة الايطالية أبوابها يوم الأربعاء الموافق 1 أيار بمناسبة عيد العمال.

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27 March 2013

 بمناسبة عيد الفصح سوف تكون السفارة الايطالية مغلقة يومي الأحد الموافق 31/3/2013 و الاثنين الموافق 1/4/2013

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18 March 2013
The first EU Art Auction & Design Exhibit in Amman

Do not miss “Colours of the Future”The first EU Art Auction & Design ExhibitOn Tuesday, 19th March 2013 from 6:00 to 9:00 pmAn art auction, reception, and design exhibitCelebrating the remarkable talents of Jordanian artists and designers  In collaboration with, the House of Arab Art & DesignAt the Landmark Hotel, Royal HallArtworks will be […]

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25 February 2013
This news is only available in the Italian language

Please go to the Italian version of the site clicking on the “Italiano” language button on the upper right hand side part of the window

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