Minister Mogherini visited also the new Camp in Azraq, recently opened to host Syrians refugees, and the field hospital built this year in the Camp by the Italian Government and fully equipped by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFCR).
The hospital is a full secondary level health facility that can host up to 130 in-patients and will operate thanks to ECHO funds. The Italian Government has been supporting Jordan in its endeavor to assist the Syrian refugees since the very beginning of the crisis.
In the last 2 years, Italy has invested more than 6.5 million Euro in Jordan through contributions to the UN Agencies and through direct interventions with a particular focus on health, protection and support to the hosting communities.
Further 3 Million Euro will be disbursed in support to the activities of UNHCR, IOM, UN Women, UNICEF and ICRC.