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Applications for pre-enrolment to University Courses (Bachelor Degree, 2 and 5 years Laurea Magistrale) in Italy for the Academic Year 2014 – 2015 must be submitted to the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy in Amman (open to the public on Wednesdays from 9.30 to 12.30) by 30 June 2014. 


Required documents:

a) certificate of high secondary education (Tawjihi), legalized by the Jordanian Ministries of Education and Foreign Affairs for pre-enrolment to Bachelor Degree courses;

b) original Bachelor Degree certificate and transcript of the exams taken, legalized by the Jordanian Ministries of Higher Education and Foreign Affairs for pre-enrolment to Master Degree courses;

c) passport copy and two passport photos. 

N. B.: The list of University Courses, the quotas for foreign students, together with the pre-enrolment procedures are available on the following website: